Talk Like a Pro: The Brand Glossary

Have you ever tried to talk shop with a brand strategist or designer and it ended up sounding like simlish instead of English? There are a lot of industry terms used in the world of branding that aren’t exactly self-explanatory. Here’s a list of common words to get familiar with while building your business. Get the hang of these and you’ll be talking like a pro!

The Glossary

Brand: A company’s reputation/what it’s known for among its customers and the market.

Branding: The intentional actions a company takes to leave their signature on a space, moment, or interaction, thereby building a specific reputation.

Brand Strategy: A company’s vision and plan for building the kind of reputation they want.

Copy: Any type of written content used to inform consumers about a company and its offerings (think: website messaging, social media captions & content, ads, etc.)

Mission: What a company aims to accomplish in their day to day work.

Positioning: The (ideally unique) space a company has carved out for itself in its industry.

Tone: The attitude or inflection applied to a company’s voice specifically in written/spoken communications. It adjusts to the context, message, and receiver.

Unique Value Proposition: An articulation of the unique benefits and value that a company’s offerings provide its target audience. It highlights what’s most compelling to consumers.

Unique Selling Proposition: A subset of the Unique Value Proposition; calls out what specifically makes a company’s offerings stand out from competitors. It highlights what the company does differently and best.

Vision: The impact or result a company wants to have if they are successful in their mission.

Visual Identity: The system of brand marks, color palette, fonts, accents, graphic styles, and imagery styles that a company uses consistently to identify themselves.

Voice: The belief systems and personality traits that determine how a company behaves and thinks. It is consistent and relatively unchanging.


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